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History 2


The IEF is the world's largest international organization of energy ministers from 72 countries and includes both producing and consuming nations. It is truly the global home of energy dialogue.

Originally founded 30 years ago as a forum to facilitate dialogue between member producing and consuming countries from OPEC and IEA, the IEF now has more member countries that those two organizations combined and from all regions of the world.

The Honourable Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India
Photo: President Xi Jinping of China, His Majesty King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Gordon Brown at the Jeddah Energy Ministerial on 22 June 2008.

The Saudi Arabian government, under the leadership of the late King HRH Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, generously offered to house the IEF Secretariat in the capital city of Riyadh, thus providing a permanent home to allow for continuous rather than ad-hoc dialogue. The IEF Headquarters building was opened on 19 November 2005 followed by the adoption of the IEF Charter on 22 February 2011 by all member states.

: Heads of Delegation at the IEF16
Photo: Heads of Delegation at the IEF16.

The Forum's biennial Ministerial Meetings are the world's largest gathering of Energy Ministers. The magnitude and diversity of this engagement is a testament to the position of the IEF as a neutral facilitator and honest broker of solutions in the common interest. The most recent ministerial meeting, IEF16 Ministerial, was held in 2018 in New Delhi, India.

The IEF's unique global platform makes it the ideal place to advance a better understanding of world energy dynamics and, in turn, help promote energy security, cooperation and orderly energy sector transformations.

For more IEF background and history, see below two publications providing more in-depth description of milestones, contributions and activities.

  • 20 year history book
  • 30 year history book
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