Hydrogen Market Pathways
The IEF is leading a research initiative examining the elements required to create a hydrogen market.
Currently hydrogen accounts for only about one percent of the energy mix, but it is expected to scale up in the coming years and decades as countries strive to reduce carbon emissions.
Current research and discussions on hydrogen focus primarily on the various production cost outlooks for different "colors" of hydrogen, and the opportunities in various utilizations, but there has been little discussion around the possible trajectories of the "hydrogen business model". Scaling up hydrogen production, regardless of color, will require new types of contracts, financialization (price discovery), and/or commoditization.
In partnership with industry experts, the IEF will examine various commodities, their contracts, market structure, price formation (physical and paper) and benchmarks to better understand the potential technology pathways and policy frameworks that together will shape the future hydrogen market.
The project will comprise research, a series of invitation-only technical workshops and reports.
IEF Report: Scaling-Up the Hydrogen Market
For hydrogen to play a role in the energy transition, it must be available in sufficient volumes, at a competitive cost, and with low carbon intensity associated with its supply chain. The entire supply chain must be developed and scaled-up. Read and download the full IEF Hydrogen Market Pathways Report: Scaling Up the Hydrogen Market written in collaboration with the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) and Anne-Sophie Corbeau.