Capacity Building
The IEF with support of JODI Partner Organizations organizes JODI training programmes for front-line data providers at national administrations and energy companies who collect and submit the data.
Regional JODI Training Workshops
Since 2006, the IEF and its JODI partner organizations have delivered a series of regional training workshops on JODI. Through these workshops, we help our participating countries to report better quality data through the JODI questionnaires. These workshops offer professionals responsible for filling JODI questionnaires at national administrations an occasion to clarify JODI definitions and to learn more about data quality assessment techniques. These workshops are also a good opportunity to share their best practices on data validation or to discuss issues on data collection.

The format and content of JODI Regional Training Workshops has evolved since the first event was organized in 2006, as early groundwork has enabled increasingly richer exchanges between statisticians and the JODI Partners. Initial JODI regional workshops were generally structured along the lines of classroom training sessions, focused on promoting JODI awareness and ensuring fundamental capacity building. More recent workshops have progressively involved more sophisticated discussions about fine-tuning data collection techniques and clarifying any data discrepancies. These deeper dialogues strengthen communication and improve the exchange of knowledge at key points along the JODI data supply chain, ultimately resulting in a more robust JODI database.
JODI Internships
The IEF also invites professionals from national administration in developing countries to its Riyadh headquarters for a week long intensive workshop tailored to these country’s needs. This classroom-based immersion course facilitates rapid assimilation of the historical knowledge base accumulated by the IEF and JODI partner organizations. A primary objective of the internships is to strengthen working level contacts between countries and the JODI partner organizations as well as to improve and maintain the quality of national data submissions to JODI.

The IEF Secretariat has invited IEF and JODI participating countries to forward internship applications from interested candidates in their relevant energy agencies.
The IEF held four JODI Internship sessions so far and trained representatives from Azerbaijan, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Sudan, Vietnam, and Yemen. The IEF welcomes applications from officials in charge of filling JODI Questionnaires a the national administration.
JODI In-house Training Workshop
The In-house JODI Training Workshop is designed to raise awareness of both private and public stakeholders that how better data through the energy data transparency initiative is important and beneficial for their decision making.

In this format, Instructors from JODI partner organizations visit a country and deliver a workshop to professionals from both public and private sectors. JODI Partner Organizations delivered two workshops in South Africa and Indonesia and each workshop gathered more than 20 local representatives.
This format is beneficial for countries focusing on establishment or reinforcement of their energy information gathering mechanism.