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JODI Energy Data Transparency Workshop for Sustainable Future

Cape Town, South Africa

The Joint Organisations Data Initiative (JODI) Energy Data Transparency Workshop for Sustainable Future was held on 30 April-3 May 2019 in Cape Town, South Africa supported by energy data experts from both public and private sectors and attended by some 60 attendees from 14 countries. The workshop was held with the support of JODI partner organisations under the auspices of HE Jeff Radebe MP, Minister of Energy of South Africa.

HE Jeff Radebe remarked that policies, informed by sound data are vital to the improvement of energy systems and economic development, stating that the importance of energy data could not be underestimated. Attendees noted that by building capacity for energy data collection in Africa, national administrations can organise and display data where it is accessible, not just to industry, but to governments, investors and academics to strengthen data transparency and inform dialogue. The availability of such data enhances evidence based strategies for economic development by informing decision makers of a countries energy needs. The active monitoring of policy impact also facilitates policy adjustments, by providing the necessary feedback for assessment of policy progress.

Attendees of the four-day workshop also outlined the importance of energy data to contribute to a more stable global energy market and to increase financial investments in energy infrastructure. This facilitates a less volatile energy future recognising that energy transitions require a quantitative understanding of the current status quo. Through the workshop technical linkage between annual and monthly data collections were explained alongside differences in advantages and focuses of these two energy data collection activities from policy making perspective. To provide for both data collection time frames JODI (Oil and Gas) monthly data collection, annual energy statistics and balances compilation as well as principles of energy efficiency indicators were explained. Energy data transparency in Africa provided improved understanding of their energy system, challenges and opportunities to enable better long term planning and investment decision making.

The workshop covered the following topics:

  • The background, objectives, and status of JODI;
  • Impact of reliable data to policy and investment decision-making from data-user perspective;
  • Definitions and methodologies to complete the JODI (Oil and Gas) questionnaires;
  • Exchanges of good practices to collect/compile energy data among countries and participants;
  • Data quality assessment techniques and practical exercises to complete JODI (Oil and Gas) questionnaires as well as annual questionnaires;
  • Role of effective data dissemination to improve data visibility with practical examples through JODI website;
  • Linkage between monthly and annual energy data collection activities and their different policy objectives;
  • Annual energy statistics and balances compilation;
  • Principles of energy efficiency indicators.

In addition, the Workshop ran alongside the 4th IEF-OFID Symposium of Energy Poverty at the same venue. The workshop attendees benefited from both events, seeing the application that collection of energy statistics has to decision making in the alleviation of energy poverty in Africa.

Presentations are available for download here

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