Saudi Green Building Forum - Green Building Outlook 2018 and Annual Meeting
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
In the presence of HRH Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed, Chairman of the Saudi Green Building Forum (SGBF), the IEF welcomed the SGBF Secretary General, Faisal Alfadl and delegation to present the Green Building Outlook 2018 and Annual Meeting at the IEF Secretariat on Thursday, 28 December 2017. The Saudi Green Building Forum is a professional civil society establishment and a non-government organisation in a special consultative status with the United Nations.
Delegates of the Saudi Green Building Forum (SGBF) presented a vision of market transformation for building codes and their environmental impact over time explaining the strategic imperatives necessary to build a more sustainable community. The SGBF, as a member of the LEED International Roundtable, presented LEED Technical Developments aimed at transforming new and existing buildings, expanding beyond commercial office space to become a full-scale performance based rating system providing a common global framework for green buildings. SGBF updated participants on the progress and areas for improvement of their member countries and the various programs relevant to the sustainable development of each nation. The Forum also discussed the technical issues and market barriers of different regions hindering the uptake of green building and LEED developments.
In line with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, the Saudi Green Building Forum proposed that the IEF and lecture participants of both the public and private sectors consider joining the saaf® Green Building program, performance and certification aimed at measuring the use of energy, water, waste, transportation and human experience to build more efficient and sustainable structures and habits.
The IEF, in coordination with the Saudi Green Building Forum, agreed to host the pioneer Project of the saaf® program, performance and certification at the IEF headquarters in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The saaf® program is a pilot project to SGBF leading the efforts in measuring the use of energy, water, waste, transportation and human experience with the goal of increasing energy efficiency and building more sustainable consumption habits over the long-term.