World Economic Forum on the Middle-East and North Africa: Advancing Conditions for Growth and Resilience
Dead Sea, Jordan
The current Middle East and North Africa context is of fundamental importance for shaping the economic, social and governance systems of the future. Home to youthful populations, energy endowments and some of the fastest-growing economies globally, the region as a whole has formidable assets to drive positive outcomes. Two years after the start of the transitions in North Africa, this promise is compounded by a clear urgency for decision-makers to deliver development and prosperity throughout the populations.
At this pivotal time, the World Economic Forum on the Middle East and North Africa convened over 900 of the foremost leaders from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, the Levant, North Africa and internationally. Representing government, industry, media, civil society and youth, these stakeholders came together to advance understanding, dialogue and action on the most immediate and urgent priorities as well as long-term imperatives.
IEF Secretary General Aldo Flores participated in a televised panel session “Shale Discoveries: Global Transformations, Regional Impact”. A session summary, and links to a video of the session as well as the official WEF event homepage can be found below: